As a Mardyke man born and bred it is a great honour for me to be elected President of Cork County Cricket Club for the forthcoming 2022 Season. One way or another I have had an association with the Club going back to 1973 when the world was a completely different place to what it is now. It is my earnest intention to do my very best for the Club in the coming year. It is my great hope that the Club will go from strength to strength in the coming years particularly with our 150th Anniversary in 2024 on the horizon.

While I attended the Annual General Meeting on Zoom last night I was manifestly unable to unmute myself. Henceforth I will bear the epithet Mortimer the Silent!. That is a turn up for the books!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the outgoing President, Mr. Kieran Aherne for his sterling service to the Club over a period of some 16 years. Kieran was and will continue to be, a great ambassador for our sport.

Exactly the same can be said for our outgoing Honorary Treasurer Mr. David Griffin who has served our great Club in this capacity, largely unsung, since 1985. It is a great honour for me to be President of the Club the same year that David assumes the mantle of President of Cricket Ireland.

I look forward to seeing both Kieran and David at the Club and elsewhere throughout the year.

It would be remiss of me not to congratulate Peter Dineen on his election as Chairman of the Club. He very ably filled this role at provincial level just a few years ago and has also been involved at Cricket Ireland level. On a personal note, Peter is the first person that I remember meeting when I passed through the gates for the first time almost 50 years ago.

I would also like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the late, great Dermot Giltinan who departed this life on the 14th of October last. Since I can remember he has epitomised the Cricket Club for me. His sister Deirdre has indicated to me that the family would like to hold a Memorial Service in the Club sometime in the Spring.

Finally, I wish all our members, patrons and supporters a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas and a prosperous and Cricket-filled New Year.

Mortimer Kelleher

President – Cork County Cricket Club
2022 Season

14th December 2021

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