The 2015 the Cricket Ireland Coaches Association (CICA) Conference takes place on the 10th and 11th April in Dublin. The conference is open to anyone who is interested, you don’t have to be a qualified coach or CICA member, owever, CICA members do receive a discount for the event.

Conference PosterFull details of the conference are as follows:

Dates: 10th/11th April


  • –  Friday Evening – Bewley’s Hotel, Dublin Airport
  • –  Saturday – Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9


  • –  Friday (6pm-9.30pm)
  • –  Saturday (9am-6pm)


  • –  €99 for CICA Members
  • –  €150 for non-CICA Members
  • –  €120 for Saturday only tickets

*Please note CICA Membership for 2015 is £35/€42*

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